Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise


If you want to do something really special while you are in Istanbul, do a dinner cruise of the Bosphorus (strait). Both sides of the waterway are Istanbul. The west side is Europe and the east side is Asia. It’s a little over 3 hours including a fabulous dinner

My great server Osman


Main course, Chicken

The view of the Bosphorus from the yacht was spectacular. 

There were several floor shows including a guitarist, some Turkish folk dancing, some whirling dervishes and a belly dancer. Then we had some time for disco dancing to a DJ. It was all very fun.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Chinese New Year - Thailand

 Here in Bangkok they celebrate Chinese New Year. Not a lot to say but see how they decorate, celebrate and dress up for this event.I spoke with someone, several years ago, about how Chinese New Year is celebrated in the US. To get ready for this event they clean their houses, buy, and wear new clothes  go to temple, and celebrate with a family meal and giving gifts of red envelopes with fresh new money in them. I love this way of celebrating a new year. Starting fresh!