Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ephesus - The City of The Greeks and Romans (In Turkey!)
Ephesus - I can't say enough! This is why I wanted to go to Turkey! It was absolutely incredible!
The building to the left is "The Library of Celsus". It is an ancient Roman building built around 114-117 CE. It was built, facing East, for the benefit of early risers. It housed statues similar to that in ancient Greek Theatres. According to Wikipedia, "it was one of the most impressive buildings in the Roman Empire" and housed 12,000 scrolls and served as the mausoleum for Celsus who was buried beneath the library.

Here is the coliseum we viewed upon entrance to the Ephesus site.

Upon leaving the coliseum, you walk through a "gateway" and

down towards the library of Celsus.

This is where the Romans did their shopping, along this walkway. Can you imagine jewelry, food, fabrics, probably music and live entertainment going on all at the same time. Probably similar to our shopping malls.

This was an early "billboard". Our tour guide was pointing out that this was a "woman of the night" advertising her services carved into the sidewalk. You could identify her by the fact that her 2nd toe was longer than her big toe.

Look at the beautiful carvings. An image of
one of the gods at that time.
This was the men's toilettes. The slaves would go in first and warm the toilet seats before the men entered.
I love the architecture. Such beautiful buildings!
This was a dream come true!

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