Saturday, December 10, 2022

Pattaya City and Beach

 Last week I took a couple of trips outside the city of Bangkok. My first trip was to Pattaya City and Beach. I hired a tour guide, his nickname is Tiger, to show us around. Our first stop was the beautiful Buddha laser carved into the mountain. 

Isn’t that incredible! Some hikers have climbed up to the top. The King had this monument erected and the actual cutting was done rather fast because it was laser cut. 

Sometimes I like to take photos of the description so that I get it right. So here is that description.

Next we went to a Buddhist temple in Pattaya. 

This is a giant turtle god (I believe) and you walk under him for good luck. For a donation you can get some gold leaf to put on his tummy for good luck.

Also, these are dragon gods. One for each day of the week but 2 for Wednesday.  I was born on a Thursday, which is the color orange and, again, there is a dragon god for those born on Thursdays. 

This is a standing Buddha at this same location. 

There are many more beautiful statues at this Buddhist temple. Lots to see, appreciate and venerate. 

And we are just getting started!

Here we are on top of a mountain top looking out over Pattaya bay. 

Tiger, my tour guide, and I got a little snack. I love Thai tea and he got a beverage consisting of blended watermelon. No sugar. Nothing added. Refreshing! We also got some white toast topped with sliced bananas and like a sugar syrup. Quite good!

This is a locals beach - not where the tourists go. We rented a couple of lounge chairs and relaxed. You can purchase food, get a Thai massage, rent beach equipment and they have public restrooms. What a nice relaxing way to spend the afternoon. Then a 1 1/2 drive and we’re home! 

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