Saturday, February 25, 2023

Part 2 - 4 Day Stay at an Organic Farm

 So, Sunny is in charge of agriculture. We’re going to walk around the 70 + acre farm and Sunny will show us around. Sunny is an international agricultural expert on climate-friendly regenerative agriculture who has worked on restoring soil probiotics for over 40 years. Since her retirement, she has taken up Thai traditional medicine to link soil health with human health. 

First of all, I wanted to show you these GIGANTIC small shells! They are about 3 inches or 7.6 centimeters long - about the length of my forefinger. I have never seen such large snails!

This is Manila Tamarind. It is high in vitamin C and K. It is also good for improving your skin. 

The government helps out farmers 
by helping them dig man made lakes to retain 
water. They also let the farmers pick out and plant 
a number of trees on their 

This is a field of chives

This medicinal herb is called Hanuman Prasarn Kai. Sunny says it is good for the lungs and she uses it in preventing and recovering from COVID. 

These are bags of discarded tamarind shells which is waste biomass. Biomass waste is often burned in an open field, contributing to climate change and air pollution. Sunny transforms these tamarind shells into Biochar for use in improving the soil and in controlling the carbon in the soil to reverse climate change. It is the mission of Sunny’s farm to promote climate-friendly agriculture. 

Also, the animal manure is used for fertilizer and the animals eat the remains after the fields are harvested 
to help clear the land. 

Every day Sunny makes a tea from local plants for her family, guests and workers.

And she cooks fresh organic food! 

Some of the properties of these plants are anti inflammatory, antibiotic, and some plants stop blood clotting. And I got to reap the benefits! What a great resource Sunny is! You can check out her site or give her a call

Now on to Part III -
The Animals 

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