Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Pop Air Madrid - The Balloon Museum

When I saw the advertisement for this exhibit in the Metro (here in Madrid) I knew I had to go. I LOVE creative designs with balloons, and I wasn’t disappointed!

This is just the OUTSIDE of this one particular exhibit. Wait until you see the

Inside of this exhibit is a maze. 
It was originally created 
for children with disabilities. It was 
not computer generated but created 
by hand! 
When you are inside you will see zippers and 
how the sections are
attached together. 
Pure Genius!

See the back of the head of the person walking through?

You walk through these tunnel mazes and experience 
a fantasy world of colors and shapes. 

Here is another exhibit. It is inside the main hall. 

You can stand in the center and
have the “aliens” stare
at you

Here is another “experiential” exhibit.

Here is an inside maze of colors and mirrors.

This is a light show in a sea
of bubbles!

You can walk through this “forest”
of balloons.

What an eerie futuristic feel.

This balloon seemed like it was breathing.

These balloon forms you could walk through.

These balloons you stick to the walls.

This was like a crowd of cartoon figures 

This exhibit, I feel, is a

You’ll love it!

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