Sunday, July 19, 2015

Catching Up July 19, 2015

Catching Up - July 19, 2015

Hi all!

Just as an update. I have been on a cruise for 9 days and attached 3 days in Milan, 1 day in Venice (where the cruise left from) and at the end, 3 days in Lisbon, Portugal. Wow!

On the cruise, the wifi was very spotty and my phone didn't work so when I got back, several friends asked me if I was ok. Yes, great, but no connection for 2 weeks.

So, now that I am home, I am downloading photos - I think over 1,000, and writing the blogs to share with you the fun places I have been to and the exciting people that I have met from all over the world. (literally!)

In Venice, where I was there for only 24 hours or so, I took I think, 120 pictures. I saw Venice as I have never seen it before and I have been here at least 2 times before! I think I also have over 100 pictures of the Expo 2015 in Milano. 

So, since my blog can't hold more than 10 to 12 pictures, if you would like to see the whole folder about a certain city, put a comment in the comment box at the bottom of the blog, with your email address, and I will send you the connection to that Dropbox folder.

Thank you for dropping into my blog.

Have an adventurous day!

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