Sunday, August 23, 2015

London, England, August 2015

St. Pancreas Train Station
London, England, August, 2015
Hello all! Well, here I am in London - loving it! I can't find the photo yet but coming into the London airport there is a beautiful , very tall statue of a couple. What a warm welcome! I am learning the train and metro system in each country that I visit so I took the metro and exited to the nearest stop by my hotel and walked and GPS'ed the rest of the way.

The UK has the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen! Trees, grass, green! Never seen so much of it!

I arrive at La Grange Hotel near Victoria Station. It is all that I had hoped for. A more traditional older hotel but beautifully kept. Great hospitality and warmth.  


I had heard that the pubs in London were having troubles and losing their following but this pub has recently been purchased by a new owner and remodeled and has a great following and the food was excellent. I had a "pita pocket" (what we would call it in America) filled with "Brie Wellington, mushrooms, hazelnuts, spinach with cranberry sauce on the side. It was fabulous!

And the locals are so friendly. everywhere I went in the UK
I found friendly people and had many wonderful conversations with many of the locals.
Then I took off for the countryside. Many more tales to tell.
I have to give it to the Brits. This was a sign on the train above the toilet. Isn't this funny!
See you in The Cotswolds.
And Bath
And The Lake District
And, of course, The British Museum!

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