Monday, November 28, 2022

It’s Monday night in Bangkok

 Hi again! It’s Monday night at 9:04 pm in Bangkok and the streets are packed. Lots of teenagers are out and about - still in their school uniforms. Having dinner, enjoying their friends. 

I left a move at 10:30 p.m. last Saturday, and it was the same story. Streets packed with people. I feel very safe here. Thailand is 98 % Buddhist and I have met many people who go out of their way to help me. 

Leaving the theater I saw this going on in the main floor of my local high rise shopping center. A group Zumba class. How fun is that!

And locals eating, drinking and watching a soccer (futbol) match on a big screen t.v. 

It is so humid here that I am sitting still and yet, sweating. “It’s good for my skin” I tell myself.

Have a great day! Life is full of wonderful opportunities. 

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