Tuesday, November 29, 2022

One Way to Make New Friends

 Hi all!

So, a new city. I know a few people here and I’d like to connect with more. So I joined MeetUp. At first I did not see many listings showing up but it’s the holidays now and everyone is wanting to connect. There is a holiday party at a restaurant and 64 ex pats are going - so far. I’d love to go to that. It has a wait list. But I also found a Christmas craft class and joined that. We were going to make advent calendars. 

Donatella, from Italy, was our host. What a charming, talented lady! Crafting is not my specialty but I enjoy being in relationship with women and sharing ideas, stories, coffee, chocolate and companionship. Women love being in community with other women. 

Megha, here, is from India. She helped Donatella set up the project and definitely helped me get settled in. 

Kate is from England. She is running a 10k in Ankor Wat. How fun is that! She’s been all over Asia. My dream!

Another lady who attended was from Viet Nam. She gave me the idea to get my teeth cleaned while I am here for 3 months. Medical and dental services here are abundant and reasonably priced. 

And I was from the US. 5 different nationalities coming together here in Bangkok to share - companionship. What a concept! 

Donatella’s idea was to use up recycled products - such as toilet paper rolls, extra scraps of Christmas wrapping paper. Each day, December 1 through 24, is filled up with comic strip stories, riddles, toys and treats. A surprise every day! And look what we came up with!

Here’s Kate’s. A beautiful snowflake! 

And here’s mine. A Christmas tree.

I’m giving mine to my new friend, my tour guide, Tiger, to give to his 2 sons to enjoy. 

I wish for each of you to have a wonderful holiday season filled with laughter, connection and love. 

And especially, I wish for


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