Sunday, March 22, 2015

Everything I ever needed to know about life I learned from riding my bike

Everything I ever needed to know about life I learned from riding my bike

Hi all! You know I got a bike recently. Well, when I got this bike I got all kinds of advice about how to be safe and how to protect my personal items and such. So, as I was out riding I found that I was developing a philosophy about life filled with wisdom relating to riding my bike. Remember the slogan, "All I Ever Needed To Know About Life I Learned From My Baby" and it said things like, laugh a lot, take naps, etc.? Well, here is a similar thing but relating to riding bikes and life. So here goes.

Everything I Ever Needed To Know About Life I Learned From Riding A Bike
1.    It is dangerous out there! Keep your eye on the ball!
2.    I've gotta keep my balance
3.    I keep my finger by the bell so I can let people know I'm here if I think they can't
       see me
4.    If I ring my bell, and they see me, they are usually accommodating and let me
5.    It's stop and go
6.    Sometimes when I see people going I need to jump right in there and get going
7.    Sometimes I have to pedal hard because it is uphill
8.    I feel stronger and enjoy the journey more, the more I ride
9.    Sometimes it's uphill and sometimes it's downhill.
10.  I take advantage of green lights
11.  I have to take good care of my bike so I can ride it whenever I want
12.  Sometimes I hit a red light and it's time to stop and let the other people go first
13.  Sometimes I'm just exhausted and I have to stop and rest
14.  Sometimes when I am riding along there are others riding along with me and
       sometimes they just want to pass me. Never mind. I am enjoying my ride!
15. There is nothing like the feeling of peddling along and feeling the breeze in your
       hair and watching the world go by!



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