Friday, March 20, 2015

Ok, so I am a LUSH!

Ok, so I am a LUSH! Wednesday March 18, 2015

Ok, so today I found out that I am a LUSH. How did I find out? Well, I was walking the streets of Paris yesterday after having lunch with my niece's co-worker who resides here in Paris also, and I happened upon one of my favorite stores in the world! It is called LUSH.

LUSH is a Canadian company that makes "organic" soaps, shampoos, bath balms, cuticle creams, and the like. I found the store by where I lived in my previous life, and was stocking up on my "stuff" to take with me to Paris because I had a generous luggage allowance.

When I was at the store, back home, and stocking up on LUSH products, they told me that there was a LUSH store in Paris! And, that they had a spa!!! Score!

So while walking the streets of Paris I discovered one of the Paris LUSH stores! All by myself! A big smile came across my face as I recognized all my favorite American products, well Canadian, right there in front of me! In Paris, no less! 
So, I was met by the beautiful young lady on the left, the store manager, named Helene, who warmly welcomed me and we got to visiting and she said, "So, you're a LUSH!" Well, that took me back a peg, and I said, "Well, actually, I have never had a drink in my life!" She said, "No, I mean you love LUSH products!!" and I said "Yes, indeed!"

Then I remembered that I was told that they had a spa and, well, I asked about it. Turns out there was 1 appointment available for the next 2 months and it was tomorrow morning! (Well, today, I have been giving you the back story) So, I said, "Sign me up
When I returned the next day, today, I had the first appointment at 10:30. I like that! They start a little later!
So, my appointment was with this beautiful lady, Elene. She had the most beautiful skin and impeccable makeup! Just what you would expect from a French woman!
And she took me back into the spa area and we had a little visit. What a friendly, warm person she was!
 The spa area was set up to bring out the feminine softness that each woman loves to nurture inside of herself if she can just find the time to relax and be able to soak in that experience.

LUSH has a special little "ritual" that you go through to help you relax and get ready for your treatment. Just a little bit of heaven!

Then, on to the treatment. An hour of bliss! I have to admit, I dosed off a little during the treatment. Aliane said she would keep that between us! Since coming to Paris I have never felt so relaxed and so cared for. Like only the French can do!

Then after my treatment . . .
A little lemon and lemongrass tea!
At LUSH they certainly know how to pamper and nourish you!
So, I guess I am a LUSH after all!
But, sh-h-h! Don't tell anybody!


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