Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I FINALLY LEAVE FOR PARIS!!! (Monday March 2, 2015)

After all these months of planning and scheming, I finally am leaving for France! Oh-la-la

I arrived the next day and after a layover in London, checked in with my rental agency and she showed me the many "how-to's" of a European apartment. There are quite a few differences from an American apartment! Oh well. I am jet-lagged and kind of out of it but I am sure I will figure it all out later
 So, when we finished, I ran out to grab a bite to eat.  Mind you, it is nearly midnight but the street is lively with people. I found a "fastfood" place that sold a type of Gyro with all different types of toppings. I had the typical (what we are used to in America - lamb with onions, lettuce, tomato and a Greek yoghurt)  It was delicious!

I went back to my apartment and couldn't sleep so I stayed up until 3:30 am unpacking then finally crashed, exhausted! Day 1 in Paris

My 4 heavy suitcases in my new Paris apartment. Unpacking until 3:30 am. Did I drink too much caffeine?

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