Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gallipoli - Turkey #3

Gallipoli - Turkey #3 Sunday April 26, 2015
Yesterday, April 25, 2015 was the 100th anniversary of the WWI conflict at the Dardanelles here in Turkey. Prince Charles gave a speech here at Anzac Cove in remembrance of the allied troops that lost their lives. Altogether 500,000 men died in this conflict.

We visited the Lone Pine

and Chanuk Cemeteries
We saw the trenches where the opposing troops were only 15 feet away from each other. Now there is a roadway between the trenches.

The interesting thing is that when the troops were taking a break from fighting, the two sides were exchanging cigarettes, playing cards and soccer, then going back into the trenches and shooting at each other.
There is a monument of a Turkish soldier carrying a wounded British soldier over to his troops to be looked after. Very moving.

The allied troops lost, by the way. They were trying to take the Dardanelles because it is a small passageway that the Russians could use to transport goods in and out of Russia.

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