Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Grafitti Paris Style

Grafitti Paris Style

Hello again!

There are some topics about the Paris lifestyle that I want to get to at some point but this one came up again today so here it is!

In Paris, graffiti is an art form. Great thought and performance goes into these and artists are paid to paint walls like this one and the metal sliding doors that cover the entrance to the various shops around town.

This wall by restaurant Placeverte always has a graffiti offering and is changed out frequently.

Here is today's offering and I love it!

At first I thought it was a tourist taking a picture of this graffiti but then I noticed he had touches of paint all over his clothes so I figured out that he was the artist taking a picture of the work he just completed. So I spoke with him a few minutes in my very limited French and his very limited English and we got the message across. I love his work! And he was proud of what he accomplished. Take a look at this!
This artist's name is Amelie Vielle.

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