Monday, May 18, 2015

Rug Making - Turkey Style Near Cappadocia #16

Rug Making - Turkey Style Near Cappadocia #16
How naïve am I? I was not even aware of Turkish rugs! I knew of Persian rugs before, but not Turkish.

So, we went to a Turkish rug factory and showroom.
The picture above is of a woman taking silk worm "cocoons" (?) to make silk thread.
Turkish rugs are made of many different materials, colors and qualities.
I guess Turkish rugs are the only rugs that are double-knotted making additional strength and quality. A rug can be measured by how many years it can be used, like, one rug that was shown us was described as being good for wear up to 60 years. I think of the carpet in my apartment and it is good for about 5 to 6 years then needs to be replaced. Also, Turkish rugs are made in the colors and patterns of a region so you know where it comes from.

Turkish rugs are an investment so a woman will be given a rug as a wedding present and a mother will buy a rug as an investment for her daughter. These rugs go up in value, rather than down.
Here is a woman making a rug. These women go through 4 years of training to become skilled in their craft. When a woman completes her training, she starts out with the easier patterns. As she becomes skilled, she is given more difficult patterns to weave.
This is a very old, very valuable Turkish rug.

You may notice the bright colors and unique pattern of this rug. It is also very old and valuable.
This rug was my favorite! It is 15 " long and about 8 " wide. It is made out of silk and suitable for framing. I love it!

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