Thursday, May 14, 2015

Well, I don't have TB (Passing my Visa Test) - Tuesday May 12, 2015 plus Le Grand Colbert (Something's Gotta Give Movie Restaurant)

Well, I don't have TB (Passing my Visa Test) - Tuesday May 12, 2015 plus Le Grand Colbert (Something's Gotta Give Movie Restaurant)

So, sorry, I am jumping ahead a bit and not finishing Turkey but my photo download was not working again and I wanted to keep writing so here it is. And by the way, the photo download is working again! Yippee!!

Anyway, I don't have TB. Today I went to the OFII office, (France Visa Office).  Anyone who lives in France more than 90 days has to take this test.

My appointment was for 8:30 but I got there a little before 8:00 and there was a line already formed. Boy, I thought I was getting here early! Turns out there was an 8:00 group - one that went in before me. 

Here, in Europe, there always seems to be a group that doesn't believe in the "que" (lining up in order to get in). They kind of just hang out by the front door and move forward as the group walks in. 

Well, at 8:30 sharp they called in our group of 3. Luckily the guy that works there and spoke pretty good English was the one that greeted me. "Bonjour!" So I got to ask him a few questions in English.  Then I went upstairs and through 2 processing stations - height/weight, blood sugar test, eye chart exam, then the x-ray then back to the waiting area. 

They called me by my first and middle name or my maiden name, with a heavy French accent, so at first I didn't recognize my name.  After that I made sure I paid close attention to anything that remotely sounded like any of my names. 

Finally the doctor called me in to review my chest x-ray and take my blood pressure. She asked me if I was a little nervous. "Yes, a little. Why? Is my blood pressure up a little?" "Yes, a little." She was very nice. She asked me what I was doing in Paris. "On holiday" "Oh", she said. "I lived in Minnesota for a year!" Minnesota? Oh well. I passed my test. I'll focus on that rather than a line of questions aimed at the doctor.

The last desk is where we finished the paperwork and I made my payment. She didn't speak much English so we did a lot of pointing and paper shuffling. Then she said a word I didn't know but I figured it must be about the fee so I tried to hand her some cash but she said "Non!" Then she said something in Charlie Brownese "wah-wah-wah-wah-wah" meaning, I didn't understand the rest.  So, she motioned that she would hang onto my papers and I could go to "tabac" to get whatever it was that I needed instead of cash. I assumed I would need a cashier's check or money order but when I got to the "tabac" shop instead they gave me postage stamps. 241 Euro worth! It ended up being 2 - 90's, 2 - 30's and 1 - 1.

So, I took the stamps back to the OFII office and she stuck the stamps on the paperwork! I don't get it. The tabac shop got paid and the stamps will be sitting in some file cabinet. Again, adapt. Different countries do things differently for their own good reasons.

So on to greener pastures! This afternoon I planned on getting a reflexology massage and then walking around. Since I was in a different part of town that I was unfamiliar with I was wondering what I would do.

Well, I have been to Paris several times in the past for a week at a time visit and for the last several times I have happened upon the restaurant Le Grand Colbert!
It is the restaurant that was in the Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson movie "Something's Got To Give"!

Well, no time like the present so I headed off in that direction. 
No one in Europe eats dinner at 5:30 so I had the place to myself, literally!!! I looked at the menu and ordered beef tips with bernaise sauce. It comes with potatoes and string beans. 
I told my waiter that I had to come to this restaurant because I have seen the movie and, in fact, own it! Well, he probably has heard this a million times but he brought me their album on the production of the movie that was produced right there in the restaurant.

In fact, I was sitting right in the seat that Diane Keaton sat in during the filming of the movie!

Of course I had to have my picture taken in that exact seat.

After dinner I just had to have the Baked Alaskan and have a little flair. Again, I remember Diane Keaton having a sparkler on her birthday cake with 2 men at her side. Well, I had a close second. Maybe not so close second. Anyway, here it is!
As I walked out of the restaurant, having completed yet another thing on my bucket list, I saw a group of Americans having their pictures taken in front of the restaurant. I offered to add the husband to the picture and he said that it was his wife's birthday and that is what she asked for. Another dream come true!

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