Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Provence, France - Abbey of Senanque, June 20, 2015 (One of the things they produce here is lavender oil. I bought some!)

Provence, France - Abbey of Senanque, June 20, 2015 (One of the things they produce here is lavender oil. I bought some!)

Ok, so I have to say that I am pretty proud of how this photo turned out. But I cannot take all the credit! Benoit (my tour guide) told me exactly where to stand and exactly where to put my camera to get this shot. I took another shot of this abbey but the lavender field doesn't show up very well.
So this is what you see as you are coming down the canyon to this abbey. There are only 50 monks that live here now. It used to be more heavily populated.  They grow all their own food and, they grow lavender to sell. A bigger picture of the hills around this abbey shows that their are vineyards and gardens for the crops that they grow. I bought some lavender oil that was produced here.  Heck, how many times am I going to get lavender oil from the Abbey of Senanque?
So here's my less than perfect photo of the Abbey. Now you know why I showed the other one first. The lavender doesn't show up near as well in this photo.  The monks put up signs along the edge of the lavender saying to beware of the snakes and scorpions.  I asked Benoit if there was really snakes and scorpions. He said, "nah, but it used to help keep the tourists from picking the lavender." He said some tourists would come out of here with armfuls of it!

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