Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Provence, France - Roussillon, June 20, 2015 (I had my very first lavender ice cream here!)

Provence, France  Roussillon, June 20, 2015 (I had my very first lavender ice cream here!)

So, this is the last of the 3 villages I visited in Provence today. I had a hard time picking out a photo that I liked to showcase this town. The defining feature of this town doesn't show up so much in this photo. This town, Roussillon, in on a hill and can be seen from a distance.

Also, Roussillon is built on red rock.

and the houses are multi-colored unlike Gordes where the houses are all cream colored.

Each town has it's own unique feel and character. 
That's what makes it so interesting to walk through these towns!
These are trellises that are built over many of the patios here. During the winter there is nothing on top. But during the summer, they have beautiful grape leaves. And a lot of French people love to eat "Al Fresco" (outside). Great food, a beautiful environment, a great view and great conversation. Sounds good to me! 
This was a little nook on the side of a house that the owners
"beautified". Beauty and art everywhere you look!
And, here is the view from up here. Pretty spectacular, isn't it?

Just a little more beauty that I captured here.

Sorry, 2 more photos!
I have taken over 4,000 photos on this trip and now you see why. Breathtaking beauty!

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