Monday, April 20, 2015

Bergen, Norway, A Great Place To Eat! Anne Madam

Bergen, Norway, A Great Place To Eat! Anne Madam
So, when we are out and about in our world we need to eat and in Bergen I found a great place. I was wandering around the first night I got here and saw this place but, of course, it was closed. I saw it the second day also but it wasn't until the third day that I actually made it a point of going in.

It is called Anne Madam.
When I went in I found a clean modern environment, friendly service and local fare! I looked at another restaurant that toted local fare but had, I think, reindeer meat and that wasn't my thing.  But, take a look at this!
What we have here is local fish prepared 4 different ways. One fish dish was breaded and fried, one was in a casserole with potatoes. They were all just delicious! Silje, my server, asked if I would like a little fresh leek on top. Yes please! The drink is made of black currant and sugar and was also delicious! And the best part? The night before I ate at a sports bar and paid nearly $50 for ribs that frankly were a bit dry, baked potato, coleslaw and French fries and a coke. This meal, with the drink included, was just a little over $20, yes, American dollars! And it was spectacular! And, during the time that I was dining there I saw at least 15 locals coming in to buy fish cakes on their way home from work. And since I was sitting in the window, one woman who was walking by with her husband looked in the window at my food and had a big smile on her face. I motioned for her to come in. The man next to me at the counter said that she had food envy. And I see why!

Here is a picture of beautiful Silje who waited on me and with whom I had a lovely visit and here is . . .
Anton Engen, the owner of Anne Madam. The food is all prepared in Norway and the ice cream . . .

is prepared by a psychologist and his partner who moved to a rural area and were trying to figure out how to make a living and started making organic ice creams and sherberts. This one is lemon and honey.
Just so you know, the website for this restaurant is or Anne Check it out!

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