Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Second Day In Bergen, Norway

My Second Day In Bergen, Norway
It was a bright sunny day and I took of walking to see what I could see. I kind of got the lay of the land last night when I took my walk.
I thought I was taking off to go to Bryggen Street, but I was way-y-y off! Oh well. Everyone in the Scandinavian countries speak English so I asked for directions. Here are a couple of the sights that I saw - off the beaten track.
Here is some "art" on the side of a building near the fish market.
. . . and here is a puppet store for the theatre.

The interesting way they covered the cobblestone streets with asphalt . .
The recognizable shapes of the buildings in this town,
a monument . . .
a statue . . .

a church . . .

a castle . . .
beautiful boats . . .
An interesting seal on the side of a building . . .
A view of the fiord . . .
  . . . a gazebo, and
a troll! (told ya!)
I wanted you to see the trollie ride during the day so here are a couple of pictures of that. Breathtaking views!

Then I wanted to add pictures of the walking trails at the top of the hill after the trollie ride.

First of all, no witches allowed in this park. Just to let you know!

Yes, this home actually is on top of the hill. Again, there are walking trails, a playground, an athletic achievement course, (I forgot what they are called but so that you can build up strength) and more. Lots of people were walking that trail and, I think I said before, you can actually walk down to the bottom of the hill on at least one of these trails.

Bergen is, I believe, a very beautiful city and I am enjoying it very much!


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