Thursday, April 23, 2015

One More Thing About Copenhagen

One More Thing About Copenhagen

So, I have one more thing to say about Copenhagen but I think it deserves a separate blog. The Ocean Hotel that I stayed in is in a residential neighborhood. There are homes and apartments, one convenience store and . . .

one amazing restaurant!

It is called Alle Kroen.
The owners are Jeanet and Pierre Conradi. Jeanet serves and Pierre cooks.
Pierre showed me this menu from Alle Kroen that dates back 40 years! They are still serving the same wonderful food and a few items with a new twist.
I ordered the plank Salmon with baby shrimp and asparagus, served with mashed potatoes. It was fabulous! (Sorry Pierre! I took a bite before I realized that I hadn't taken a picture so it might not be quite as pretty as when you serve it!
Look at this great atmosphere! And they were playing American rock 'n roll. I felt right at home!
Thank you Jeanet and Pierre for 2 wonderful meals!
(a-a-ah, yes, I said 2. I ate there 2 nights in a row!)

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