Thursday, April 2, 2015

Chatou - Croissy

Chatou - Croissy

I had the most delightful experience last Friday! I have a friend back home who is from Paris who introduced me to the nicest people here in Paris, Pierre and Anne. Anne invited me out to visit her and her husband in their home in the outskirts of Paris - Chatou - Croissy which is near Saint Germaine Castle.

I took Metro line A (ligne RER A) towards Saint Germaine. I loved being above ground on this route and able to view the scenery.

I left very early because I didn't want to be rushed and didn't know how long it would take to get there. So, I arrived about 15 minutes early and had a few minutes to see what I could see! 

What a beautiful part of town! I love it! Anne picked me up at the Metro station and showed me around town. This neighborhood is where the wealthy own second homes. There is a beautiful lake, swans, a fabulous chocolatier and of course, a merry-go-round.
Then Anne took me to Saint Germain Castle. It was the castle where Henry IV reigned. Shakespear did a play about him. Anne, being interested in history, said that perhaps Henry IV was a better king than Shakespear portrayed.

Look at this beautiful castle!

Then we went back to Anne and Pierre's house. She told me the lovely story of how they had the good fortune to get this house. And, look how charming it is! I get such a feeling of warmth and charm from this home!

The house originally had a driveway behind the house and Anne and Pierre cleverly made a beautiful back porch and filled in the area with grass. It is just lovely!

Anne prepared a traditional French dish called "blanquette de veau".  I looked it up - veal stew. It was absolutely delicious!! Now, this is the type of food that I have been waiting to eat here in Paris! And Anne shared with me the special twist where at the very end you add the egg yolk, lemon and wine (I believe it was). That is where the French really have cooking figured out! Their magnificent sauces!

Look at these luscious desserts! Rasberry and lemon puddings, chocolate torte, and a shortbread with fruit in it that, when we looked it up in a French translation book, didn't translate to English but I think it is similar to an elderberry. Anne really outdid herself!

We spent several hours visiting and Anne gave me many suggestions where to travel to while I am in Europe, then Anne and Pierre traveled on the Metro back into Paris with me as they had plans for the evening.

What a fabulous day it was! Many thanks to Anne and Pierre!

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