Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Bergen, Norway, One Of My Most Favorite Cities So Far!

Bergen, Norway, One Of My Most Favorite Cities So Far!
My flight between Stockholm and Bergen took me through Olso, Norway. So, being on the ground there and changing planes kind of constitutes visiting Oslo. In the airport I have to share 2 things . . .

It looks like a good old American polish dog, doesn't it? Actually, it is a hot dog with cheese in it and wrapped in bacon. It is a very popular fast food in Norway. It can come with red onions and a sweet pickle relish and mustard sauce. Not bad.  And, here is the other thing that I saw in the airport . . .

I think it is "art" and it appears to be people wrestling.

So, there you have it. That and a few post cards. The sum total of my experience in Oslo. Pierre, Anne's husband, (from a former post) is from Oslo and says there is a bit to see there but I guess I'll just have to come back. The Olympics were held here too a few years go! Now, that's something!!

So, a friend told me that if I went to Scandanavia, I must go to Bergen and spend 3 days there. So, I did. And it was worth it! What a lovely town!  I arrived there in the early evening so this is what I saw.

This beautiful building, believe it or not, is a Starbucks and a restaurant.
Then I spotted a light on the top of the hill and headed that way.

It turns out that this is the Funicular, a vertical train to the top of the hill - and it runs at night!

I think you can tell it was raining "up there". Down in the valley, no, but up on the hill, yes! So, the group of us didn't stay that long. But what a view!!

Here is a restaurant at the top of the mountain that is a historical landmark.


There is lots of room for people to sit out and enjoy the view and the sun during warmer summer days. There are also hiking trails that you can take from the bottom all the way to the top of this mountain and exits off the train for residents who work in the valley and live on the hill. There is a playground for children here and the big thing here are trolls. There is a giant one in the front of the playground.

Here we are riding the train back down the hill.
Look at these costumes I saw in a shop at the bottom of the hill. Here is where I want to look for party costumes in the future!


And, what town would be complete without one of these?

A McDonald's.
Hey! Where's the golden arches??
And, how was the homeless situation there, you  might ask?
The first night I was there, this was the only homeless person I could find . . .
. . . a bronze statue!

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