Thursday, April 23, 2015

In A World . . .

In A World . . .

Yeah, I know you are asking yourself what the belly button is doing on top of this slogan.  First of all, it is not a belly button. It is the peep hole for my apartment door.
Second of all, I wanted you to see what I see every day as I leave my apartment to go out into my new world and "see what I can see"!
This trip has been amazing for me! I am meeting wonderful people from all over the world and you know what most of them want to do?
We all have unique interesting stories to tell about our lives! Every one of you does! Thank you for being part of my life and sharing your dreams, aspirations, heartbreaks, goals, discouragements, mischievous deeds and laughter. You are what makes the world a great place to be in!
Thank you for being a part of my life and for being
. . . with love!

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