Thursday, April 9, 2015

THE Workshop

THE Workshop

So, Tuesday, March 31 I left Stockholm for Omberg,
Sweden for my workshop. It's a little village on the edge of a big lake.

I heard two stories about what used to be here and it could have been both. One story was that this used to be a military base. The second story was that this was a college for girls who studied home economics.  Either way, it has stone floors in the hallways, real wood plank floors in the workshop room and big windows that look out on the lake. I was surprised at how few seabirds there are here but maybe they are just  coming back after a winter break.  We had the most beautiful sunsets! 

15 of us attended. Mostly Swedish, 2 Americans and 1 Polish woman. 3 men attended the workshop but I heard that normally more men attend than come to these things in America. I love it!

Michelle Phillips is a gifted healer and teacher! We did many meditations and restorative healing techniques. I feel refreshed and expanded!

And, here are a few more pictures of beautiful Omberg.

The beautiful spring flowers
And Easter in Sweden

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